Monday 30 October 2017

Barry M - Moon Phases

After my Halloween party this weekend it kind of feels like Halloween is done and dusted, but it's good job it isn't because I've still got two designs to show you! The first of the two is these moon phases nails. I've seen this design done a few times so I'm not sure who originated them, let me know if you do! They're such a cool idea, I couldn't resist trying them myself. They took a lot of perfecting to make sure they were right, I must have sponged that gradient on at least 10 times per nail, but I was so pleased with the final result. These nails were created as a collaboration with Boots and Barry M, so keep an eye on Boots social media to see how to create these! 

For these nails I used Barry M - Black Forest* for the base, Barry M - Storm* for the moon details and Barry M - Cotton* for the moon itself. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

*some of the products in this post were provided to me for review but all opinions are entirely my own and were not influencd in any way 


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