Tuesday 12 February 2019

Blue OPI Roses

Happy Tuesday all, only two days in and I already feel like this week is dragginnng. I've booked to go away for a few days next week and see my sister and I'm counting down the days. 

Today I've got another design for you using the OPI - Nutcracker collection*. There are so may possible colour combinations with this collection, but I absolutely love all OPI green's (or at least all the ones I own anyway) and I find they're perfect for leaves, so I knew I had to do a floral design with the collection.

I used OPI - Dreams Need Clara-fication* as my base, then I used OPI - Alpine Snow and a dotting tool as the base of the flowers, and added OPI - Lavendare to Find Courage* and OPI - Toying With Trouble* using a small brush. I used the same brush to paint leaves using OPI - Envy The Adventure*, and then I used a dotting tool and OPI - Dazzling Dew Drop* for some accent polka dots. Finished with a coat of Seche Vite. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

*Some of the products in this post were provided to me for review but all opinions are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way


  1. Stunning! Those Little roses. Damn I'm in love. And the Green from the collection is one of my favorites too.


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!