Wednesday 8 April 2015

Summer Blues

Hey everyone! The weather here has FINALLY been sunny and it's been so nice to be able to go out and do stuff over the past few days and not be drenched/windswept when I get back in. I've been having a few days relaxing to celebrate finishing my dissertation and it's been so nice to just not have to worry about it for the first time in months. Today's nails are some summer flower gradients I created for Divine Caroline, I also have a tutorial on their website for you to use if you want to create these yourself.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


  1. This looks amazing :-D Nice blues :-D

  2. I love it! I can relate to you: finally it's feeling like spring! :) and congrats on finishing your dissertation!

  3. Love the effect of this, the blue gradient is fab!!!

  4. The blue gradient is so pretty!


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