Sunday 13 August 2017

China Glaze My Little Pony Rainbows

Hey everyone! Another busy weekend down, only 2 weeks until we move and we're in Berlin next weekend so we've got lots to do and not much time to do it in, so as you can imagine it's pretty hectic at the moment. Nevertheless, I did manage to throw in a bit of time to play around with the amazing new China Glaze - My Little Pony collection*. Have you seen it yet? I think it may be my favourite China Glaze collection ever, or at least for a few years. There are tonnes of pastels, but also a great mix of glitters too, which works really well together, and it definitely suits the theme. I'll be having more of a play around once I've moved, but for now I thought these rainbow nails inspired by Tiny Brushes were pretty fitting for the collection. 

The only polishes I used that weren't from the My Little Pony collection* were Barry M - Flip Flop which I used for the orange, and Barry M - Cotton for the white, otherwise the other colours are all from the collection.

I used Applejack Of My Eye*, Kill Em With Kindness*, Cutie Mark The Spot*, and One Polished Pony* for the rainbow itself, which I painted using a Winstonia striping brush. 

For the cloud I started with a dotting tool and the white, and once that was dry I added China Glaze - Hay Girl Hay!* for a bit of something extra. Finished with a coat of Seche Vite. 

What do you think? Have you tried the collection yet? Let me know in the comments!

 *some of the products in this post were provided to me for review but all opinions are entirely my own and were not influenced in any way 


  1. Applejack of my eye is my favorite one. I do love this collection too.

  2. These are gorgeous! I've seen the collection but I've not purchased any..yet. This is so pretty! I have no idea how you did the rainbow with nail polish so neatly, I'd end up in a real sticky mess! Best of luck with your move and enjoy your trip to Berlin, it sounds like there are a lot of amazing things going on for you :)


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