Tuesday 13 March 2018

Mice and Cheese

Happy Tuesday everyone! I've got something slightly different from the usual florals and patterns today with this mice and cheese design. I saw a few similar ideas floating around on Pinterest, and I stumbled across this design, and I loved the idea so much that I had to recreate it. I tried these first on false nails to see how they looked, and I must admit my first attempt was slightly better than these, but I hope you still like them! 

I used NYC - Copabanana as the base. Once that was dry I used acetone and a brush to remove the circles for the cheese. Then I used OPI - Need Sunglasses for the darker outlines, and I mixed Copabanana with white for the lighter outline. For the mouse I used Barry M - Cotton, and outlined it with acrylic paint. Finished with a coat of Barry M - Matte Topcoat. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


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