Monday 27 May 2013

Seven Deadly Sins: Week 5 - Wrath

Hey everyone! I'm afraid this post is a little bit late because my brand new laptop broke (only a month old) but I took it back today and they gave me a brand new one so HOPEFULLY I should be okay now. 2 broken laptops in just over a month is not how I like exam period to go, or any period of time for that matter! 

Anyway, I'm back now and I have the next week of the Seven Deadly Sins challenge for you: wrath. The prompts for this were either 'get mad trying that technique you know is going to be a fail' or 'find something that blows your top and express it with your art' and I decided to combine the two and go with something that really annoys me about nail art/nail polish: the removal of red polish! It seems to get everywhere and I hate it, so I thought I'd go against my hatred and do some nail art with it.

I had this red to review anyway from the lovely Sally over at Sally Magpies, as she wanted me to let you all (in the UK) know that you can get a wide range of products on her store that are sold abroad usually, which you're all lusting after. For instance, Essence. As I've mentioned before my lovely friend Emily provided me with a few Essence nail varnishes and it included my new favourite blue: 'that's what I mint' which is luckily sold at Sally's store, as its already half empty. Anyway, here is the red that Sally gave me, it's called 'redvolution' and along with many other Essence products it's sold here for just £2.75

This is 2 very easy coats, it's not quite as neon as the picture suggests but it is pretty bright

Essence 'Redvolution'

Of course, I couldn't do that without adding a bit of nail art, so I removed a couple of nails (eugh) and added 'Something Sweet' by China Glaze and added some mini strawberries. 

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


  1. So cute! I hate removing red polish as well, but you turned out with such a beautiful and delicious mani! I could almost eat it! ^-^

  2. Love the big strawberries, love the small strawberries, love them all!! :D
    As for the removal of red polish, I usually go for half a foil method - basically I soak a piece of cotton in acetone, press it on the nail and count 12 seconds (I love no. 12 ;)) and then I drag the cotton along the nail, pressing it against the nail (not too hard though).
    Hope it helps (but then again you probably know and do this already)! :)

  3. Pretty blog and nail designs I just love the strawberry's perfect for summer :) x | Shamballa Bracelet Giveaway ♥

  4. Such a cute design! Which I could manage to do this :-)

    Kate xo |

  5. I ♥ the small strawberry

  6. I hate removing red polish too! It just stains everything, I thought it was just the brand of red that I was using.

  7. Oh my gosh, SO adorable! That red Essence is beautiful and your strawberries are perfect :) Makes me want one real bad, lol.

  8. I adore strawberries so these nails are right up my street! x

  9. omg this is so cute! i'm loving fruit nails!

  10. That Essence is gorgeous! I also love those strawberries!

  11. So cute! I need to try some fruit nails soon!

  12. Wow, I didn't know red nail polish was so horrible to remove. I don't really like wearing red cremes, so I guess I'm just lacking in the experience. But I do love the nail art!! I've been wanting to do fruits, and love how you combined a large fruit on some nails, and then small fruit patterns on the other nails! so cute, i definitely need to try this for myself!

  13. I find the same with black. Get's everywhere! Beautiful nails though!


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