Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Eve Christmas Trees

Merry Christmas everyone! It's technically Christmas here in the UK now as it's 2am, but I just wanted to quickly post some christmas tree nail art that I created for Tesco before I go to bed. It seems like these days I stay up later and later on christmas eve and then I'm knackered on christmas day. I still can't actually believe it's christmas tomorrow (/today), having worked all day it just feels like another working week! 

Step 1: Paint your nails with a glittery silver
Step 2: Using a sponge and white nail polish create a snowy landscape
Step 3: Using a nail art brush and green nail polish draw a christmas tree
Step 4: Clean up the white around your nail (this should have been step 3 but I'm an idiot!)
Step 5: Using white nail polish and a nail art brush top off your trees with snow
Step 6: Add a topcoat to seal in your design

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. I love these! They're so sparkly and gorgeous! What is the silvery glitter you used? I always struggle to find good glitters that can be used on their own


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