Thursday 21 January 2016

Tami Polish Scottish Showcase Collection Review and Swatches

Hey everyone! I've had such a hectic day today that I've barely had a chance to look at my phone and catch up with emails. I'm really getting stuck into my new job, which I'm loving so far, but there's a lot to do and I want to show I can do it! Somehow I've still managed to post 4 days in a row, I'm not going to pretend that my time management skills have suddenly become miraculously better, as it's actually half 11 and I need to go to sleep! But nonetheless I'm still happy with myself

Today's review is another new brand to me, this time in the form of Tami Polish. Tami are a new Scottish brand, and this, the Scottish Showcase Collection*, is their first release. I must admit it's so far so good for me, as these polishes are pretty much flawless as you'll see below. I can't wait to see more of what they're releasing. You can buy them individually for £9 or you can buy the whole collection for £21 here. I don't think they're too unfairly price for what you're getting and for 10ml bottles.

Skibo Sunset* is a gorgeous pink holo. This was flawless, just one coat for perfect coverage as you can see above. Shown without topcoat as it was pretty shiny on it's own and it dried fast

Lady of Lomond* is a light blue holographic polish with larger dark blue glitter pieces within, it's nothing like any other polish in my collection. This was 2 easy coats but I could perhaps have got away with one thick coat. This was without topcoat as it dried fast and shiny

Gleneagles Glamour* is a light pink holo with larger gold glitter pieces, and it's actually my favourite polish of the collection. I love the addition of the gold glitter to make it a very elegant shade. This was 1 thick-ish coat with a layer of Seche Vite to bring out the glitter, although it did dry fast and shiny

What do you think? Would you be interested in trying these? Or have you already?
Let me know in the comments!


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!