Monday 14 March 2016

Outlined Flowers for Barry M

Hey everyone! I've had the busiest weekend ever and a long monday so this is probably going to be a short post, but I didn't want to not post for a full week so I thought you'd catch you up. I moved house! Or rather me and my boyfriend did. We've got our first house together, which is exciting but I'm so sick of the sight of flatpack furniture. We both lived with our parents previously so we had no furniture whatsoever and everything has been built from scratch this weekend. Whilst most of it is built we're completely living out of bags right now. 

These nails are some that I created for Barry M using their nail art pens and colours. I have so many designs and reviews to show you but nothing is edited and I definitely don't have time to sort them right now, but once I do I'll try and post more regularly. I also got some exciting news today that I've been shortlisted for Best UK Nail Blog in the Scratch Stars Awards 2016 which I'm very proud of! I'll make sure that I'm worthy of the title once I have unpacked and I have time to sit and edit.

For these nails I used a base of Barry M - Cotton, then I used Barry M - Sugar Apple and Barry M - Rose Hip for the flowers, with Barry M - Key Lime for the leaves. Then I outlined using the Barry M Pink Nail Art Pen. Finished off with a coat of Seche Vite

What do you think? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Congrats on moving house and good luck for the scratch awards!

  2. Beautiful nail art..Love the floral pattern

  3. YAY these make me so happy!

  4. Yayyyy for so many things! Cute nails! The moving is done! Big congrats on the nomination too!!

  5. These are adorable! There is nothing I love more than an all-over floral pattern! :)

  6. Seeing these beautiful flowers I am so ready for Spring. They are absolutely stunning Alice.

  7. These are gorgeous and just like Deborah said, they make me happy!!! :)
    Adorable cuteness everywhere in this mani! Love it1

  8. These are so beautiful and happy, perfect for spring! I hope you guys get settled in soon!

  9. Congrats on the big move! Wishing you lots of happiness in the new place! These nails are adorable, they came out great!


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!