Monday 2 June 2014

Outlined Roses for Avon

Hey everyone! Today I have another post I created for Avon to show you, this time I have some outlined roses. I stepped outside my OCD comfort zone a bit with these nails as I didn't try and do them neatly, I just drew the black on quickly and randomly, and I'm so glad I did because I really like how these have turned out. I think the messiness really adds to the design. I think I need to start working along similar lines to The Nailasaurus' new mantra that 'done is better than perfect', because perfectionist tendencies take up a lot of time!

The base of these nails is Avon - White, they I used Avon - Orchid Splash, and Avon - Viva Pink with a brush for the base of the roses, and then I used black acrylic paint for the outlines

What do you think?  Let me know in the comments


  1. These are so pretty! I think it's nice to have the black lines drawn on randomly too - it works really well! :)

  2. Hell yeah! These look pretty perfect to me. Sometimes colouring outside the lines is a good thing :D

  3. Extraordinarily pretty! xx

  4. Yep. Accept that creative endeavours are rarely 'finished' and you'll save yourself a lot of heartache (and time). these look pretty perfect.


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