Monday 2 July 2012

Tribal nails

Here is my final rejected design for the Barry M competition, I completely forgot to post this here last night but did post it to my Tumblr. Sorry about that! Hope you like them :)
Also, thankyou for all your votes, I now have 25 nail varnishes on their way to me because I came second :D


  1. What? Second? I thought yours was the best BY FAR. Ah well, 25 ain't bad. Did you get to pick the colors or is it going to be a surprise?

    1. Thankyou! And yes I got to choose, I recently posted a picture of all of the ones I chose :)

  2. i love your nail art
    i've nominated you for a award
    check it out


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!