Wednesday 5 September 2012

Mattified feather nails

Hello everyone! As you all well know I love matte nails, so I couldn't let one of my favourite manicures go un-mattified could I? I preferred these matte in person, though through the photos I prefer them glossed. I'll let you make your mind up which looks better. I also got asked quite a few times last night for a tutorial, which will be coming up in the next week or so :) I really debated whether to put these up here because I dont want to bore you with the same manicure 3 times but I hope you like them!



  1. They look so pretty mattified! You can never go wrong with mattifying something in my opinion lol

  2. What did you use to mattified? I've been looking for a good matte top coat.

  3. I love them, I love everything mattified :)

  4. This Nail Art is so delicate!

    I'm following you, if you want check my blog ^^
    A loser like me


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