Monday 4 April 2016

Evixi Gel Polish Review + Nail Art

Hey everyone! After doing the Paint All The Nails link up last week I was so inspired by the other ladies who all creating amazing stamping marbles (where you put polish onto the stamper and smush it onto your nail essentially) + stamping, that I couldn't resist giving it a go myself. I love saran wrap nails, but these are even easier to create, and much less messy. I'll definitely be trying them again. I love how with the colours I used here they look like a really beautiful set of clouds at sunset/sunrise.

Trying out this technique seemed to also be the perfect excuse to get cracking on my review of Evixi Gel Polish, I've been trying it out for a couple of months so I can give you a proper review, but this is the first nail art I've done with it on my fingers. I did some nail art on my toes, but this is definitely a fingers-only blog (so don't panic that I'm about the show you pictures of my feet). The design on my toes lasted for well over a month before I got sick of them growing out and took them off, but they were still going strong. I also did some nails on my friend Alice, which lasted her 3 weeks before she picked them off (tut tut), so I can definitely attest for them being long lasting. 

The bottles and lamp are also gorgeous, whilst the bottles are similar to Gelish in their shape, their design is unique and is what really enticed me to reviewing the polish. They look classy and expensive, whilst actually being cheaper than most gel polish, if not all, priced at just £7 for one bottle. You could get a full kit with multiple polishes for under £100 which is virtually unheard of for gels.  Just as a warning this post is quite image-heavy, but I wanted you to get a good idea of the kit and the polishes so bear with me! Full post after the jump.

For my nail art I used a base of Evixi - Urban Mist*. The bottle says to apply two coats but that wasn't nearly enough, I ended up needing 4, which would be a pain with regular polish as it tends not to dry, but that's of course not a problem with gel because it cures with each coat. Then I applied drops of Pink Peony*, Blush*, and Celeste* to my base colour and smushed them down with a stamper. Then I used Bundle Monster stamping plate BM-208 for the shattered effect, and studs from Born Pretty Store. Finished with a coat of Evixi - Top Coat*

I received 5 colours, a base coat, topcoat, a lamp, and a cleanser and remover (not pictured because I'm an idiot but you can see them on their website here, they have equally as lovely packaging and they're HUGE compared to most cleansers/removers you get with gels). Which is plenty enough for a starter kit, and you could get the whole lot for around £80 if you buy this kit  (which is currently on sale for £49.99) and the rest of the polishes separate. 

Aren't the bottles gorgeous? I love the pattern on them. 

These are the five colours I received, from left to right, Pink Peony*, Blush*, Sahara*, Celeste*, and  Urban Mist*.

The lamp*, as can be seen above and below, is kind of hexagonal in shape. I don't even know if that's the right word, but it's definitely the most unique lamp I've come across, and I don't know what other word to use to describe it. The lamp has 4 settings, as you can see below, but I don't know why you'd ever have use for anything other than the 30s button, which is how long it takes to cure the gels and the basecoat/topcoat. 

What do you think? Have you tried Evixi Gel before? Let me know in the comments!

*Some of the products in this post were provided to me for review, all opinions are entirely my own and were not influenced by the company or by the receiving of products. 


  1. Well, well, well, this is something worth checking out. I find it interesting and impressive. I will do check on this and see for myself how this technique works.

  2. I love this whole kit! Everything is so geometric and gorgeous <3

    Loving your stamped marble too, the nail art suits the branding so perfectly!

  3. Your nails are gorgeous!! And I agree...the bottles are beautiful too :)

  4. Oh my gosh, these polishes look gorgeous! It's a Spring KIT! :)I love your nail art and the addition of the beautiful studs, they complete the whole look imho.

  5. I will never get tired of this type of design, so ethereal but still edgy!

  6. Great review! The shades are gorgeous and totally giving me cotton candy vibes. MMM! Love it!

  7. Never heard of this brand, so thanks for sharing it Alice! Your mani turned out amazing. love it :)


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!