Sunday 10 April 2016

Barry M Spring/Summer 2016 Speedy Quick Dry Collection Review and Swatches

Hey everyone! Today I've got a long-overdue review of the Barry M - Speedy Quick Dry collection* for Spring/Summer 2016. I actually swatched these within the first few days of their release but with the move I just haven't had a chance to sit down and edit the pictures, so today I made sure to make some time to edit, and these were first on my list. Pastels are always my favourite, so this collection of four light pastel shades was always going to have my heart, and they've got the usual great formula of Barry M polishes to match. Read more after the jump to see my full thoughts

From left to right: Winning Streak*, Freestyle*, Personal Best*, and In A Flash*

Freestyle* is a lovely dusty pink creme. This was 2 easy coats without topcoat, and it dried fast (as the name would suggest) and shiny

In A Flash* is a peachy baby pink shade. This was 3 thin coats. It's quite translucent but still a creme. It didn't dry as fast as Freestyle* but I reckon that's because of the extra coat. Shown without topcoat

Personal Best* is a dusty purple creme. This was 2 easy coats without topcoat. Dried fast and shiny

And finally is Winning Streak* a pale nude creme. This is very similar to In A Flash*, although that's slightly more pink they are very close for a collection of four. This was 2 easy coats, but I had some patches on my middle and ring so I added an extra coat. Dried very fast, I knocked them on my table and they didn't smudge. Shown without topcoat

What do you think? Have you bought/do you want any of these shades?
Let me know in the comments!

*These products were provided to me for review, any opinions are my own and were not influenced in any way


  1. These are all so lovely Alice! Perfect Spring shades!!! I WISH I could get ahold of Barry M polishes here in the states easier. I love love love them and I only have 2 from my trip to Paris year before last. My fave shade here is the dusty purple. Thanks for sharing these beauties :)

  2. Lovely shades, I would wear every single one! Two of them look very similar, I always wonder why brands do that.

  3. I love me some basic cremes! These all would works great as backdrops to nail art.

  4. These look great! I did just a skittle mani but they seemed very nice, but I too had little bit of troubles with the lightest shades.


I absolutely love to read all your comments, they make my day! So please do not hesitate to tell me what you think, but I ask that you don't link spam to your blog in your comment, thankyou so much everyone!